` Albasud - Turismo en Centroamérica, nuevo escenario de conflicto social

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Tourism in Central America, social conflict in a new setting

English version available

Turismo Responsable


Ernest Cañada




The present report analyses the characteristics of the touristic Central American model, with special attention to the residencialisation processes, and the conditions that favour this development. After that, it exposes how the international economic crisis has affected this sector and what are the current tendencies to strengthen business concentration. Lastly, it reviews the consequences generated by this development model, among which outstands a growing unrest, associated with multiple causes. Those are conflicts derived from the resistance of rural communities to the dispossession of natural resources and territories; because of the resistance of the rural communities to the touristic and real estate abuses and excesses; inter-companies conflicts due to the contraposition of interests on the exploitation of their businesses; conflicts due to the suitability of the tourism policies’ regulatory framework; and, lastly, conflicts derived from the reaction of workers facing precarious labour conditions.


ALBA SUD, Studies in Contrast - Responsible Tourism Program, 1, april 2010, 40 pp.

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